Meeting the Group

It has been a week since Cubmon and I left the cave that I got my tag in and went into the forest; and we've been lost in that big forest the last week.

"We're almost out." Cubmon stated as she led the way. She was walking again, thank goodness. I got tired of carrying her.

"That's what you said three days ago, Cubmon."

"Well, I'm certain this time!"

"You said that three days ago, too." I mumbled.

"What did you say?" Cubmon asked turning around and narrowing her green eyes.

"Nothing." I stated innocently.

We continued walking for another hour or so.

"You know what, that apple tree looks very familiar. I think this is the, oh 100th time we passed it." I stated sarcastically.

"No it isn't! It's only the- HEY! I'd like to see you do better Miss Computer Whiz!" Cubmon exclaimed indignitely.

"No thanks, I'm getting some chow. You want some?" I asked starting to climb up the tree.

"WAIT!" Cubmon exclaimed and jumped on my head.

I started climbing higher and higher so I could reach the fruit I wanted. I finally got two apples and sat on a high branch.

"Becca, can this branch hold us?" Cubmon asked suspisiously.

"Of course! The density of the branch is plenty more than needed to hold us up!"

"All right.."


"Hey guys, according to my digivice, there's another one near by!" Izzy exclaimed suddenly.

"Another what?" Kari asked.

"Another digivice." Izzy answered.

"Another one? I thought there were only eight digi-destined." Sora stated.

"Well, whoever it is, we need to find them. Which way to him, Izzy?" Tai asked.

"In that forest." Izzy stated pointing forward.

"Lets go then!" Tai exclaimed as the group started walking towards the forest.

~*One Hour Later*~

"How much further Izzy?" Mimi asked. "We've been in this forest for over an hour!" Izzy stopped at the base of a tree.

"According to my digivice, right here."

"I don't see anyone." Matt stated.


After Cubmon and I had finished chowing down on apples, we both decided to take a snooze. However, I was suddenly awaken by my digivice chirping.

"What the-? Why is it doing that? Hey Cubmon-" I started when I heard a loud CRACK!

"Uh oh, um,...Cubmon..WAKE UP!!"

Cubmon's eyes fluttered open. "What?" she asked drowsily.

Suddenly I heard another CRACK. "Oh nothing, I just think the branch is cracking."

"I thought you said it could hold us!"

"Apparently not." I stated when SNAP! the branch cracked and sent Cubmon and I hurtling towards the earth.

When I landed, there was no real pain or any blood-curtling snaps. There was a loud, "OOF!" though. Cubmon and I looked to see what we had landed on. It was a guy my age!

I quickly got off him and picked up Cubmon.

"Dude, I am so sorry! I thought that the branch we were on could hold our combined weight, but I guess not. I am so sorry for falling on you, but thanks for catching me!" I exclaimed as I helped him up.

He had brown hair, black eyes, I was a little taller than him, and you know what, he was kind of cute, in an intellectual sort of way.

"It's OK." he answered brushing himself off. Just then I noticed there was a little bug digimon not too far from him. As well as 7 more kids, each with a digimon.

"Who are you?" a guy with brown hair sticking up (can we say FASHION EMERGENCY?!) with a blue hairband and goggles.

"Rebecca, friends call me Becca. And this is Cubmon, my digimon."

"So you're a digi-destined?" the guy I landed on asked.

"Yeah. See, I have a digivice." I stated taking it out. It wasn't chirping anymore; I wonder why.

"Prodigious, there's nine of us now." the guy I landed on said smiling.

"Pro what?!"

"Don't mind Izzy, Becca. By-the-way, I'm Tai." the kid who desperately needed a haircut stated.

"Hi, I'm Sora." a girl with orange hair, blue jeans, and a blue hat said smiling.

"I'm Joe." a guy with blue hair, a bag, and standing very awakward greeted.

"I'm Matt." a cute guy with blonde hair and blue eyes greeted.

"I'm T.K.!" a boy with blonde hair (that looked alot like Matt; maybe they're brothers) with a big green hat said smiling.

"I'm Mimi." a girl dressed in a pink dress and cowboy hat greeted smiling.

"I'm Kari." a girl that resembled Tai said softly.

"And you've already met Izzy." Tai said smiling.

"And these are our digimon: Agumon, Biyonmon, Gomanmon, Gabumon, Patamon, Palamon, Gatomon, and Tentomon." Tai said pointing at each one as he said their names. They were definitely a different looking group.(Not that Cubmon, or usually Foxinmon, and I aren't.)

"Nice to meet all of you. I've been looking for ya'll for who knows how long!" I said smiling. "So anyways," I continued, "What evil are we defending the digital world from?"

"Acutally we're heading westward. Genni said that there was something there we needed." Izzy answered. I could tell from his voice that he was the brains of the group.

"Who's Genni?" I asked curiously.

"I have some theories on who he really is, but he's helped us with finding our crests and beating evil digimon that we've faced." Izzy answered.

"Oh." I stated. I felt sort of left out now. These guys have already been through a lot. I must look like a rookie to them. Wonderful.

"Well, anyways, do you know how to get out of this forest? We've been stuck here in a week. Cubmon got us hopelessly lost." I stated.

"I DID NOT! I didn't see you making any suggestions!"

"Well, you're the one who always tells me you know where you're going. Besides, I told you we were lost when we passed this apple tree the third time!"

"Well-I-" Cubmon started.

"Just forget it Cubmon. What's past is past. We were lost and that's all there is to it."

Cubmon sighed and finally agreed.

"So, do ya'll know the way out?" Cubmon asked eagerly. The group gave nervous looks at each other.

"I wish I'd digivolve to Foxinmon again, then I'd be able to fly above and make a route out of here from the sky!"

"Who?" Izzy asked taking out his labtop.

"Foxinmon." Cubmon repeated.

"Foxinmon, one of the rarest rookie digimon in the digital world. Some say that they only exist in myths. These fox-type have two tails that enable them to fly. They also control the elements of lightning, fire, and wind." Izzy read from his computer. Cubmon looked over his shoulder and stated, "That picture makes me look fat!"

"Yeah, that's Foxinmon. However, Flymon's attack hit her not too long ago and she hasn't been able to digivolve since." I stated.

"That's because I haven't tried! I'll show you. Cubmon digivolve to...Cubmon. MAN!"

"Told ya." Suddenly there was a little beep from Izzy's still open computer.

"It's Genni!" he exclaimed and a picture of an old man with his eyes closed came on.

"Hello digi-destined. Good, you have found the first reason why I contacted you. This is the ninth digi-" he started.

"They know about me, so don't worry about it."

"All right. Now, for the real reason why I called. You need to find the ninth crest."

"What is the ninth crest and why do we have to find it so suddenly?" Tai asked.

"There's an evil digimon after it. If she gets it, she'll be able to take over both the digital and real world. As for the ninth crest, it is-" Genni started when some static came in. "Oops, got to run! Good luck!"

"Wait!" Tai exclaimed but the connection was cut off. "Darn it!" he exclaimed angrily. "Everytime he is about to tell us something, he gets cut off."

"I'm sure it isn't his fault, Tai." Sora stated.

"At least we know that there is another enemy out there." Matt stated.

"And another crest." Izzy added.

"And Becks and I will finally get out of this dumb forest!" Cubmon stated happily.

"Maybe and maybe not. Do ya'll know where you are?" I asked skeptically.

Everyone shook their heads no as Izzy typed on his computer.

"All right, I know where we're going, follow me." Izzy stated as he walked. He was still staring at his moniture as he walked. I wonder what kind of programs he has on that thing. Maybe we can trade files!

~*One Hour Later*~

After what seemed forever, Izzy navigated us out of the forest. Cubmon and I were glad to get see something besides trees.

"AT LAST! FIELDS!!" Cubmon exclaimed happily and started playing in the grass.

I sighed and shook my head at her antics. The truth was, I was just as glad to be in the open, but I didn't want to seem too inmature to Izzy. I know I just met the guy and know nothing about him, but I still want to make a good impression.

"All right Cubmon, enough, we have to find that ninth crest! Lets go!" Tai exclaimed and started walking in front of everyone. The guy with the awful hair and goggles is the fearless leader? This was going to be a very interesting experience.


In the castle on the tall hill that no sunlight every touched, there was a loud scream of rage.

In a black room there glowed a small orb. In it was the digi-destined. Instead of the one that was always there with the two-tailed fox, there was nine.

"They're together. I cannot let them stay together or else they might come on to me. But who to send? No more weak bugs, that's for sure. Ah, I've got it! Skullsatamon, come before me!" the voice exclaimed. The undead digimon appeared before the two red eyes and bowed.

"Yes my queen?"

"I want you to get her!" the voice exclaimed and a long black hand stretched out and pointed at the girl with short brown hair holding the small in-training digimon. "And get her digimon too, as soon as possible. Do not let her find her crest or you shall feel my wrath!"

Skullsatamon bowed deeply and stated, "Yes my queen. I will bring her to you." He started to leave when the voice behind the eyes added, "Oh and one more thing. I want you to bring me her digimon and her, dead or alive. Preferably dead."

The evil digimon got a small smile and answered, "Yes my queen."

Becca and Foxinmon Chronicles