Separated Again

For the rest of the day, we walked. We just walked and walked and walked. And then, we walked some more! JOY!

"Becca, please carry me." Cubmon begged as it started getting dark. I obligued and picked her up.

"Tai, can't we rest now?" Mimi whined.

"No, we have to keep going!" Tai exclaimed.

"Tai, I have to agree with Mimi, we need to stop." Sora stated.

"Me too. Even Cubmon is getting tired. Besides, it's getting dark. Wouldn't the wisest thing to do be set up camp, get some food, and let everyone rest?" I suggested.

Everyone except for Tai voiced their approval.

"It's not that dark yet and we need to keep going!" Tai exclaimed.

"Look goggles boy, we've walked approximately 35 miles today. We're all tired and I for one am hungry. We need to stop." I stated angrily. Tai was being worse than a drill sergeant!

Tai narrowed his eyes at me. "And just how do you know that?" he asked angrily.

"Well, Mimi said-"

"Not that! The part about 35 miles. How would you know that?!"

"Well, it's on approximate. See, I calculated how many steps it takes for a mile and then I made a rough estimation of how many steps I took and then I got close to 35. It doesn't take a rocket scientist, Tai."

"Is she right Izzy?!" Tai asked angrily.

Izzy took out his labtop and started typing. "Um...Tai," Izzy started slowy.

"IS SHE?!" Tai exclaimed.

"Yes. We've gone exactly 35.5 miles today."

Tai looked at me angrily and then sighed defeated. "Fine, we'll camp here."

Everyone gave sighs of relief and set up camp.

"I don't get how you did it." Mimi stated as she helped me gather wood.

"Did what?" I asked curiously.

"Got him to stop and make camp. It's usually really dark before he'll even consider it." Mimi stated as she picked up a couple logs.

I just shrugged and lugged the logs to camp. Cubmon was helping Gabumon and the others get some food. Gomanmon, Gatomon, and Cubmon were fishing. Gabumon was sure helping Cubmon a lot. I might have to keep an eye on him. I smiled thinking about it. Cubmon might be getting a boyfriend!

About an hour later, camp was set up and Sora was cooking the fish that Gomanmon, Cubmon, and Gatomon caught. Those three seemed to be hitting it off pretty well. Altough, Cubmon has been a little depressed. She was the only in-training digimon and I could tell she felt embaressed about not being able to digivolve earlier. I hope I can figure out what's wrong with here and find out what's hindering her digivolving.

"Hey Rebecca-" Izzy started as he walked over, "what kind of computer is that?" he finished pointing at my labtop. I has taken it out whileAgumon had set up the fire and been typing what happened today.

"Well, lets see." I stated as I picked up my light blue labtop. Izzy sat right next to me. I hate to admit it, but I think I've developed a crush for him already!

"Well," I started as I opened my labtop and let it boot up, "I have a DSL modem, over 80 Gigs storage space, internet capacities, and it came with the games Trinomial Trivia (which I'm pretty good at) and Tetris."

Izzy seemed pretty impressed by it. "Have you made it past level 5 yet?" he asked curiously.

"Yeah, just barely! I'm at level 6 right now." I said smiling.

"Really? I'm still stuck at level 5, how did you do it?" Izzy asked intrigued.

"Hey Matt, what do you get when you put two computer geeks together?" Tai asked smiling.

No one answered him and after a few minutes of silence, Tai answered himself. "Geaky kids!" He then burst out laughing to his own joke.

I just sighed, rolled my eyes, and stated, "Brains you wish you had."

Cubmon started giggling, and Tai stopped laughing and gave me a death glare.

"Hey Tai, you started it. As they say in America, 'you can dish it out, but you can't take it.'" I stated very simply. I wasn't trying to be mean or rude, it was the truth.

"Whatever." Tai stated indignitely and sat by Sora.

"Hey Izzy, can I load that digimon program to my computer?" I asked.

"Sure." Izzy stated and got out his labtop as well.

For most of the night, Izzy and I traded files and got to know each other. The more I got to know him, the more I liked him. Izzy was sweet, smart, a little geaky, but had a good heart. Although, he even loses me sometimes.

"Who takes first watch tonight?" Sora asked when everyone started getting ready for bed.

"Cubmon and I will." I vounteered.

"All right." Sora said smiling and everyone except Cubmon and I went to bed.

"So Cubmon, what do you think of Gabumon?" I asked curiously as we both stared at the fire.

"Why do you want to know what I think of him?" Cubmon inquired indignitely.

"Oh come on, Cubmon, you two were hitting it off really well. I think he has a crush on you and you have one on him!"

"DO NOT! And-And-" Cubmon started trying to think of a come-back, "you and Izzy hit it off pretty well too! I bet you have a crush on him!" Cubmon exclaimed much too loud for comfort.

"SHH!!" I exclaimed. "You'll wake everyone up!"

Cubmon got a coy smile on her face. "So you do have a crush on him!"

"Cubmon, that is none of your business!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, now it's none of my business! I thought we were friends, that we could tell each other everything!" Cubmon exclaimed angrily.

I sighed defeated. Cubmon was right. "Well, I don't exactly want Izzy to hear it, OK? Don't broadcast it to the whole world. Yes, I do." I whispered almost barely audible.

"AH HA! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! Ooh! You two will be so cute together! Genius with genius, having genius kids." Cubmon exclaimed happily.

"SHH!! CLOSE THAT BIG MOUTH OF YOUR'S FOR ONCE OR I'LL TELL GABUMON-" I started when Cubmon ran over and put one her paws on my mouth.

"Don't you dare." she growled.

"Then shut up about you know who!"

Suddenly, a cold wind blew through the camp and the fire went out. Cubmon's ears perked up and she started looking around. I did too. Something wasn't right.

"Nail Bone!" something exclaimed and Cubmon just barely pushed me out of the way of a powerful blast.


"What?" Izzy asked rubbing his eyes when I heard the voice again. "Nail Bone!" it screams. The attack is hurtling towards Izzy. I run over and push him out of the way.

"Rebecca, what-" Tai starts when he gets pale. Cubmon's ears were down and everyone that woke up got pale.

I turned around and nearly screamed. There was an evil digimon there. He was all bones, literally, and reminded me of a demon I saw in a movie once.

"Who's that?!" Joe exclaimed.

"That's Skullsatamon. He's an undead ultimate digimon. He's very evil and annihilates the enemy with his dark skull power." Cubmon whispered trembling.

"Oh great." I whispered.

"You," he stated pointing at me, "will come with me now."

"No way!" I exclaimed angrily.

"You will come with me whether you like it or not, alive or dead." Skullsatamon stated and pointed his staff at me.

"I don't think so! Acid Bubbles!" Cubmon exclaimed and blew some bubbles at him. It was very brave of Cubmon to do that. Foolish all the same, but very brave.

Skullsatamon started laughing. "I'll destroy you first, you little in-training pest!"

"Oh yeah?! Not if we can help it! Digivolve now!" Tai exclaimed.

"Agumon warp digivolve to...Wargreymon!"

"Gabumon warp digivove to...Metalgarurumon!"

"Tentomon digivolve to...Kabuterimon! Kabuterimon digivolve to...Megakabuterimon!"

"Biyomon digivolve to...Birdramon! Birdramon digivolve to...Garudamon!"

"Gatomon digivolve to..Angewoman!"

"Patamon digivolve to...Angemon!"

"Gomamon digivolve to...Ikkakumon! Ikkakumon digivolve to...Zudomon!"

"Palamon digivolve to...Togemon! Togemon digivolve to...Lilymon!"

"Cubmon digivolve to-Cubmon. Yea. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!" Cubmon exclaimed.

Skullsatamon just smiled evily.

"Go get him!" Matt exclaimed.

"Flower Cannon!"

"Vulcan's Hammer!"

"Hand of Fate!"

"Celestial Arrow!"

"Wing Blaze!"

"Metal Wolf Claw!"

"Terra Force!"

The first four attacks Skullsatamon just let hit him and nothing happened. Then he dodged the other 4.

"How is that possible?!" Izzy exclaimed.

"My turn! Skull Hammer!"

The attacks hit all the ultimate digimon and they all de-degivolved back to rookies. He did it again and froze Metalgarurumon and Wargreymon.

"What happened?!" Tai exclaimed.

"He-he did-they're frozen Tai. Like if your computer froze up!" I exclaimed frantically. I didn't like this. Everyone was being hurt to protect ME.

"Well, how do we unfreeze them?!" Matt exclaimed.

"They have to "reboot" in a sense." Izzy answered.

"We don't have time for that!" Tai exclaimed angrily.

"Then-then Cubmon and I will go with them." I stated.

"NO!" Izzy exclaimed. "I mean, we need to stay together." he quickly added.

"But we can't help! Cubmon can't seem to digivolve! Besides, I don't have my crest, she couldn't go to Ultimate." I defended. I never thought I'd be trying to talk people into turning me over to most likely be killed. This was definitely a revelation.

"Enough of this! Skull Hammer!" Skullsatamon yelled sending the attack towards me.

"BECCA!" Cubmon exclaimed and my digivice started glowing.

"Cubmon digivolve to...Foxinmon!"

Foxinmon picked me up away from the attack and set me down.

"All right, party time! Lightning Strike!"

Skullsatamon just avoided her attack.

"All right, hotshot! Fire Blast!"

The attack hit him, but no effect.


Once again it hit him, but had no effect.

"Foxinmon, you've got to digivolve!" I exclaimed.

"Foxinmon digivolve to...Faeriemon!"

"You know what they say, music soothes the beast." Faeriemon stated as she took out her flute and started playing.

At first Skullsatamon was laughing, but then he stopped. He looked like he was drooping a little. Faeriemon kept playing and he kept drooping. Finally he shook his head and raised his staff at her.

"You think that can stop me! I work for the queen of the undead! I am more powerful than you are! Skull Hammed!"

"Faerie Arrow!"

The two attacks collided and, lucky for Faeriemon, Skullsatamon's attack disenigrated.

"Snake Vines!" Faeriemon exclaimed and they encirlced Skullsatamon. However, he quickly broke free.

"FOOLS! Skull Hammer!" he yelled and hit Faeriemon. She fell to the earth, de-digivolving back to Foxinmon. Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon de-digivolved to a little pink head and a furry head with a horn sticking out of it.

"Koromon!" Tai exclaimed running to the pink head.

"Tsunomon!" Matt exclaimed running towards the head with a horn.

"Now you will come with me!" Skullsatamon exclaimed grabbing me and then grabbing Foxinmon. He started flying away with us.

"NO! Go get him Tentomon!" Izzy exclaimed.

"Electro Shocker!" Tentomon exclaimed and Skullsatamon just kept flying.

"That's it! Lightning Strike!" Foxinmon exclaimed and aimed her attack at Skullsatmon's chest. He actually howled in pain and sent Foxinmon and I hurtling towards the earth.

Foxinmon tried to stop me from falling, but I was too heavy. We both fell screaming before everything went black.


Izzy was ahead of the others trying to catch up with Skullsatamon. Suddenly lightning filled the sky and Izzy saw two shapes falling towards the ground.

NO! Izzy's mind screamed. Let Foxinmon be able to hold both of them or something! Wait a second, that's not logical. There is no way Foxinmon could hold Becca for more than a minute.

Everyone watched them falling in horror.

"We have to distract Skullsatamon so he can't get to them!" Sora exclaimed.

"How? Our digimon are too weak to fight him right now." Kari stated.

"Then we'll have to find them first." Matt stated.

"There's no way we'll be able find them with it so dark out. Besides, what if Skullsatamon decides he want us too?" Joe stated.

"But we have to find them!" Izzy exclaimed angrily. Even Tentomon stared at Izzy's sudden burst of emotion.

"We can't right now. Joe's right; we need to find someplace to hide ourselves. That way our digimon can rest and we can look for Becca and Foxinmon in the morning." Tai stated.

"But-" Izzy started when he just sighed. Tai was right. That was the most logical thing to do. Besides, why did he care about Becca so much already. They had just met that day! Everything he was doing was so illogical.

"All right, now where to stay?" Tai asked.

"There's a cave over there. It'd be the safest place to hide." Izzy stated pointing to the east.

"Then lets go!" Tai exclaimed and the group ran for it.


Skullsatamon started searching for the girl and two-tailed fox digimon he had dropped. He didn't know that the little digimon had so much power since last time he was able to avoid her attacks. He searched through the sky, but saw no evidence of them anywhere. He finally decided to wait until morning to search. It'd be much easier to find both of them in the morning.

Becca and Foxinmon Chronicles