Japanese Name: Izumi Koushirou
NA Name: Izzy Izumi
Creast: Knowledge
There is but one word that describesd Izzy, brain. He is the smartest and most logical out of the digi-destined. Since he is usually trying to figure out the digital world, it looks as if he doesn't care. However, he does.
At the beginning of 01, there wasn't much said about Izzy. But once the kids were in the real world again, things started unfolding about Izzy's life.
When Izzy was young, he overheard his parents talking. They said he was adopted. Izzy had been devestated by this.
At the end of the Myotismon part of the series, Izzy's parents tell him about his real parents. Izzy's father had been as brillant as Izzy. When Izzy was very small, both his parents had been killed in a wreck. His parents now had been Izzy's only living relative and happily took him. Izzy and his mother got to be pretty close afterwards.
In 02, Izzy still played an important role. He helped unraveled the mysteries of the D3s and his mother made everyone food.
Izzy's digimon is Tentomon. At first, Tentomon had a tendency to exaggerate (still does), but was always there for Izzy. He digivolves to Ultimate in the series.
25 Years Later....
Izzy is a scientist, no duh. Plus, he has the cutest daughter! They even have their own language: adorable! Other than that, he didn't change.