The Gennai of this Site

Name: Kitsune
Nicknames: Magic Gurl, Becky, Bubbles (don't ask), Mercury, Gemini
Age: between 14-19 (and no, I do not think I am too old for Digimon since I'm a teenager!)
Likes: Books, computers, writing, website making, doodling, playing music, haning out, having fun.
Dislikes: Hatred, War (although, sometimes war is necessary), prejudice, snobs (BIG TIME!!), Dishonesty
Other Anime Shows-Besides Digimon-I Enjoy: Sailor Moon, Cardcaptors, Gundam Wing, Tenchi, Outlaw Star, Pokémon
Fave Digimon chracters: Kari and Gatomon, T.K. and Patamon, Angemon, Angewoman, Magnangemon, Ken, Wormmon, Izzy, Pixiemon

Hey everyone! I am the all-knowing "Gennai" of this site. I'm the one who drew all the pics you see!! They are either "mouse-drawn" meaning it did them only with my mouse or hand drawn. Please don't be too critical with them, I'm a better writer than artist.
Anyways, about me. Well, I pretty much covered everything at the top. I guess some other facts are that I'm a Chrisitan; a Lutheran to be exact. I take advanced courses in highschool meaning I don't get to update very much ^_^ sorry!! But I do try to update once a week. Um, I'm very easy to get along with (usually...there are exceptions ;0) and I try to get along with everybody. I can't think of anything else to tell you.

I am a Christian, a Jesus follower. I love God very much and am a proud Lutheran.
