Japanese Name: Takaishi Takeru
NA Name: T.K.
Crest: Hope
T.K. is everyone's favorite original baby of the group. In the beginning, he's the cutest and youngest. Some might even think of the weakest because of his age, but don't be fooled, T.K. is stronger than he looks.
In 01, T.K. is watched over his older brother Matt. At first, T.K. doesn't mind, even if Matt was acting more like an over-protective father than a brother. However, after a while, T.K. starts trying to get Matt to give him more freedom. When they fought the Dark Masters, T.K. had to "play" with Puppetmon. Matt was obsessed with saving T.K. and in the end, T.K. got out on his own. This plumeted Matt into depression because he wasn't needed, but that is another story completely.
T.K. is also attracted to Kari in 01. He watches over her alot and is worried for her like Tai. While fighting Piedmon, he encouraged her not to be scared and give up hope.
T.K.'s digimon is Patamon. At first, T.K. thought Patamon was a pig and both of them thought he woudn't digivolve (actually, T.K. didn't want him to and he didn't think he would digivolve into anything too impressive). However, while fighting Devimon, Patamon digivolved to Angemon and kicked butt. However, as strong as Angemon was, he used all his power and turned back into a digi-egg. Patamon eventually becomes himself again and digivolves to Angemon a few times while fighting Myotismon.
While fighting the Dark Masters, Angemon FINALLY digivolves to his ultimate form: Magnangemon. Needless to say, he was powerful and kicked Dark Master butt.