Hello everyone! This is my newsest edition to the paradise, my kitties. I absolutely LOVE cats (I have cats at home) and when I saw these kitties, I couldn't resist. They're from Ghost's Anime Kitties

The way this tour will go is simple. I have a little room for each group of kitties. This is where they sleep, etc. I don't keep them all seperate all the time, but since it's easier to show you all of them in groups, they're all in their "rooms".
Okie day, first up are my Gundam Wing kitties. *Opens door and walks into room*. Aww, look, my little Duo kitty is sleeping!

This is a good thing for me. He's a little ball of energy and can cause more than his share of chaos, but I love him anyways. Things are never boring with him around. Lets go over to my next kitty. *Duo's eye opens as I turn my back and walk towards a different kitty. Smiles evily, gets up, stretches, and smiles at everyone*

*continues walking* Next up is my adorable-

*smiles* It seems my little Quatre kitty got wrapped up in his yarn again. :0) Just a moment...*gets Quatre out of yarn* There ya go!

Quatre: I was winning that time! Why did you do that?!
Oops, my bad. I'll let you back at it.
*Quatre pounces on yarn and rolls away*
*smiles* Okie day, next up we have- *Duo kitty pounces my head, steals my glasses and runs off*

Duo, get back here! *sighs* Oh well, I can still see. I'll go catch him in a minute. Now, lets see, oh yeah. Next up we have my adorable Heero kitty! Say something Heero!

*sighs* Don't mind him. He's just mad that I won't let him near the computer so he can hack into the cat toy company and order cat toys and catnip.(he's already done it twice) He's usually not such a sour puss. Are you Heero? *picks Heero up and hugs him*
Heero: Put me down! I let you take me home, I didn't say you could hold me!
Okie day, Heero. *puts him down* Hey, I know. *pulls out ball of yarn and Heero stares happily* Go get it! *throws ball and Heero runs for it*

*laughs* All right. before I go to my final kitty, I'm going to go find my little Shimgami and get my glasses back...

*walks over cautiously to window where Duo kitty has back turned with my glasses on* Bonza! *Duo jumps a foot into the air and I get my glasses as he lands*
*laughs* Nice try, Duo. But, never touch the glasses.
Duo:*frowns* All right, you win. *jumps on head and get comfortable.
Oh you want to help?
Duo: *nods*
Okie day. My last Gudam kitty is the cute Trowa kitty!

My little Trowa doesn't say much, but he's the most obdient of my kitties and loves following me around. He'll sometimes curl in my lap when I read. He's one of my favorite kitties. Right Trowa?
Duo: He's just jealous that I get to help her give the tour and sit on her head; that's why he wont' talk.
*pets Trowa kitty and starts walking towards a different room. Trowa follows*

Okie day, next up are my little defenders of love and justice. They are my Sailor Moon kitties! *opens door to room with little moon poster on it*
First up is my little Sailor Mercury kitty.

She's very studious and usually quiet. She gets along with all my other kitties, even my Heero Kitty!
Mercury: Hello Becca, Duo, Trowa
Duo: Hey Merkies!
Trowa: *nods head*
She, like Quatre when he isn't playing with his yarn, is very polite, as you can see. *pats Merc on head*
Duo: Hey Merkies, do you wanna go search the kitchen for some catnip?
Mercury: No thank you, Duo.
Duo: Maybe another time then.

Now, to my next Moon Kitty.

This is my Pluto Kitty:

She's one of my more mature kitties and helps keep my little trouble makers like Duo-
Duo: HEY!
From getting into too much trouble.
Pluto: *smiles warmly* Hello. Becca, you need to go check on Quatre when you're done with the tour.
Is he ok?
Pluto: Yes, but he lost another battle with his ball of yarn.
Thanks Pluto. Okie day, next up is my Saturn Kitty.

She may be the soldier of destruction and rebirth, but she's actually one of my quietest kitties. She is best friends with my Pluto, Mercury, and Trowa Kitties.
Hello again Becca, Duo, Trowa
Trowa: Hello Saturn
Duo: Hey Saturn, what's up?
Saturn: Nothing right now.
Duo: After I help Becks with the tour, how about you and me sneak out and get some fish?
Saturn: No thank you, Duo.
Duo: Ok, maybe some other time!
Saturn: I'll think about it.

Okie day, my last two Moon kitties are the cutest couple! It's Sailor Moon and Tuxuedo Mask!

These two are almost always together. If Sailor Moon isn't with Tuxuedo Mask, she's with Mercury, Pluto, or Saturn. I don't usually see Tuxuedo Mask unless Saior Moon is around.

Moon: Becca, do you have any catnip on you?!
Not at the moment, sorry. I might have some later, though.
Moon:*pouts* Oh well.
Sorry. *pets her for a few minutes and she starts to purr. I smile and start petting Tuxuedo Mask. He starts purring also* How are you Tuxeudo Mask?
TM: I'm good as long as Serena is safe
Duo: *mimicking* I'm good as long as Serena is safe. I think you're a little to obessessed.
Now Duo, you be nice. Apologize!
Duo: Do I have to?!
Duo: *mumbles* I'm sorry.

This ends my Sailor Moon kitties. *closes door and walks towards one with a digivice on it. Duo yawns boredly and jumps off my head*
Where are you going?
Duo: I'm bored. I'm going to go find something to do. See ya! *walks away*
Oh well. Do you want to stay Trowa?
Trowa: Might as well.
Do you want to sit on my head or shoulders then?
Trowa:*shakes head no*
Okie day. Now, on to my other kitties...*goes in door with digivice*

Here are all my kitties that enjoy going to the digital world. First up is this cutie, my T.K. Kitty:

How can you not love him with eyes like that? He's usually playing with my Kari Kitty so it's hard to believe that he's alone.
T.K.: Kari went to go take some pictures of the house. She'll be back soon.
Thanks T.K. Now on to my next digi-kitty, Ken!

Ken is a real sweetheart. He's always kind and gentle to everyone. *picks up Ken Kitty and hugs him. Ken kitty smiles and purrs* Plus he is so kawaii
Ken *purr*
*puts back down Ken and looks around for Kari* When I find my Kari- ah, there she is. Here is my final digi-kitty, Kari!

Hey Kari!
Kari: *giggles* Hey Becca! I got some great shots of your house and room.
Great! I can't wait to see how they develope.
Kari: Do you know where T.K. is?
I saw him over by the door.
Thanks! *runs over and taps T.K. on the shoulder. T.K. jumps and Kari laughs*

Aww, those two are just too kawaii together. Well, here comes my last room of kitties...

These are my Tenchi kitties! First up, Kiyone:

She's a really nice and affectionate kitty. She is very calm and pleasant to be around. But don't let that fool you. This Galazy Polics kitty is actually very strong.
Kiyone: Becca, I want to thank you again for only adoptioning me alone instead of with Mihoshi.
Your welcome. Altough, I might adopt her later...
Kiyone: Why would you want to do that?! You've got plenty of kitties already! PLEASE DON'T ADOPT MIHOSHI!
Don't worry Kiyone, as I said before, I MIGHT. I agree, I already have too many. Don't worry, I won't if you don't want me to. *pats on head as Kiyone smiles* My last Tenchi kitty is my little hard worker, Sasami:

Sasami is a very hard worker and she's always helping me with things.
Sasami: I like helping! We never did chores on Jurai.
*pets Sasami* And it's appreciated. Well, that's all my kitties. I hope you enjoyed the tour. *picks up Trowa kitty and walks towards door* See you around, and remember, if you want to adopt one of this kawaii kitties, just go to Ghost's Anime Kitties, the link is at the top of the page!

I know I just sounded like an advertisement with that last statement, but it's true. Who couldn't love these kawaii kitties?! *hugs Trowa kitty close* Well, gots to go. Go and check out my other adoptions if you'd like or you can go home.