Looks up from book surprised* Oh hello! Have you come to learn about me?! I'm so glad to meet you! I'm afraid I was so busy studying to notice anyone. You want to learn about me? Well here it is:

All About Sailor Mercury

The Story

When Amy first appeared in 'Computer School Blues' everybody thought that she had gotten kicked out of a private school for geniuses but Serena refused to believe that she was a terrible person, and took her to the arcade so that they could play video games (and so that she could see Andrew). After playing video games for a while Amy realized she was going to be late for her computer class, and rushed away forgetting her disk at the arcade.

Luna told Serena that she was getting strange vibes from Amy and she believed that Amy was from the Negaverse. Luna wanted to look at the disk to see what was on it but Serena didn't want to invade her new friend's privacy, and she refused to believe that Amy was from the Negaverse, and accused Luna of not wanting her to have any friends.

After some arguing Serena agreed to look at the disk to prove her friend wasn't from the Negaverse. When they looked at the disk they found out that it was from the Negaverse, and they rushed over to the computer school to see what was going on. When they arrived they saw a Negaverse monster draining Amy's energy, and Luna noticed the sign of Mercury appearing on Amy's forehead realizing that Amy was the second Sailor Scout, Luna jumped into the air making Sailor Mercury's transformation pen magically appear. She threw the pen towards Ami telling her to hold it in the air and say 'Mercury Power', seeing no other way out Amy did as she was told, and she was transformed into Sailor Mercury.

This is for the Japanese Version:

Name: Mizuno Ami

Means: Beauty of Water

Astrological sign: Virgo

Transformations: Mercury Power Make-UP, Mercury Star Power Make-UP, Mercury Crystal Power Make-UP!

Powers: Shabon Spray, Shabon Spray Freezing, Shine Aqua Illusion, Mercury Aqua Mirage (used solely in "Ami-chan no hatsu koi" (Ami-chan’s first love),

Scout's Power: Sailor Planet Teleport, Sailor Planet Attack, Sailor Planet Meditation

Items: Transformation Pen, Super Mini Computer, Communicator

This is for the English Version:

Name: Amy Anderson

First US name considered: Blue

Second US name considered: Amy

Transformations: Mercury Power, Mercury Star Power, Mercury Crystal Power

Powers: Mercury Bubbles Blast, Mercury Ice Storm Blast, Shine Aqua Illusion

Scout's Power: Scout Power, Scout Attack

Items: Transformation Pen, Super Mini Computer, Communicator

Below here is for both Versions:

North American/Japanese Identities: Mizuno Ami, Amy Anderson, Sailor Mercury, Super Sailor Mercury

Birthday: September 10

Age: 14

Blood type: A

Birth stone: Sapphire

Likes: Studying

Dislikes: Not doing well on tests

Hobbies: Reading, Playing Chess, and Swimming

Favorite food: Sandwiches

Least favorite food: Yellow Tail Tuna

Favorite color: Blue

Favorite animal: Cat

Favorite subject: Math

Worst subject: none

Has trouble with: Love Letters, Practical Jokes

Strong point: Calculating, Strategy, Smart

Special strengths: Being Smart and Reasonable

Dream: To become a Doctor

School: Juuban Junior High

Kanji (planet or element) used: Mercury

Misson: To protect the Moon Princess

First appeared in: Episode 5 in the English Version, and 8 in the Japanese Version

Who Knows her identity?: (below)

Serena (episode 8)
Raye Hino (episode 10)
Jadeite (episode 13)
Lita Kino (episode 25)
Greg (episode 27)
Mina Aino (episode 34)
Darien, Katzy (episode 70), Bertie (episode 71)
Rini, Sailor Pluto, Eudial (episode 109)
Amara and Michelle (episode 109)
Viluy (episode 122)
Professor Tomoe (episode 122)
Seiya Kou, Taiki Kou, Yaten Kou (episode 188)
Sailor Galaxia, Princess Kakuyu, Queen Nepherania

Boyfriend or likes: Greg

Some more info Sailor Mercury is the smartest of the Inner Senshi(the first five scouts to appear), and she lives in a mansion with her mother who is a doctor. Ami would like to follow in her mothers footsteps and become a doctor herself one day but for now she's happy being a Sailor Scout. Ami likes Greg, but she claims that she doesn't have time for a boyfriend because of school, and being a Sailor Scout.

At the time of the Moon Kingdom (according to the Manga) she and Zoisite were a couple. At the time, Zoisite was one of Mamoru's protectors.

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