*looks up from playing* Oh hello? I didn't notice you there. You want to learn more about me? All right, here is my information:
*starts playinmg again* That's it about me. Go and check out everyone elses' areas of the paradise.
The Story
Nobody really knows how she became a Sailor Senshi. When she first met Haruka, she was Sailor Neptune. She warned Haruka not to touch her henshin stick (transforming wand) or it would change her life forever. Haruka accepted her destiny, by taking the stick, she and Michiru had been having the same dreams about the end of the world, and Michiru had even painted a scene from these terrible nightmares. The two of them were to work together. Their mission was to find the 3 talisman from the people with pure hearts. Later, they found that the two of them as well as Setsuna (Sailor Pluto) had the talisman. Despite their previous beliefs, they could exist while using their talisman, and supporting the holy grail. They both vowed that they would put their mission before each others lives, and even before their own, but they couldn't do it. Michiru and Haruka are really cold towards the other Sailor Senshi, and they treat them like children.
This is for the Japanese Version:
Name: Michiru Kaiou
Means: Full King of the Ocean
Astrological sign: Pisces
Transformations: Neptune Planet Power Make Up, Neptune Crystal Power, Make up
Powers: Neptune Tidal Wave Submerge, Submerine Reflection
Scout's Power: Sailor Planet Meditation
Items: transformation pen, deep aqua mirror
This is for the English Version:
Name: Michelle
First US name considered: none
Second US name considered: none
Transformations: Neptune Star Power! (before pluto comes again), Neptune Planet Power! (after pluto comes), Neptune Crystal Power
Powers: Neptune deep Submerge, Submerine Reflection
Scout's Power: Sailor Planet Meditation
Items: transformation pen, deep aqua mirror
Below here is for both Versions:
North American/Japanese Identities: Michiru Kaiou, Michelle Kaiou, Sailor Neptune, Super Sailor Neptune
Birthday: March 6
Age: 18
Blood type: O
Birth stone: Aquamarine
Likes: To paint
Dislikes: the Inner Sensh or Scouts
Hobbies: Vilolin, Painting, Swimming, Collecting Cosmetics
Favorite food: Sashimi(Meat Strips)
Least favorite food: Kikurage Mushrooms
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite animal: ????????
Favorite subject: Music
Worst subject: none
Has trouble with: Sea Cucumbers
Strong point: Violins
Special strengths: Music
Dream: To be a Violinist
School: Muguen Gauken High School
Kanji (planet or element) used: Neptune
Misson: To find the Sacred Talismans
First appeared in: Eposide 90
Who Knows her identity?: (below)
Ten'ou Haruka, Eudial (episode 109)
Tsukino Usagi, Mizuno Ami, Hino Rei, Kino Makoto, Aino Minako (episode 109)
Doanobuda (door knocker )(episode 109))
Chiba Mamoru, Chibi Usa, Viluy (episode 122)
professor Tomoe (episode 122)
Seiya Kou, Taiki Kou, Yaten Kou (episode 188)
Sailor Galaxia, Princess Kakuyu, Queen Nepherania
Girlfriend or likes: Sailor Uranus
Neptune's Gallery of Pictures
Sailor Scouts' Home