Welcome to the Sailor Moon quiz! Thanks to Sierra for this great quiz. It's kind of hard beacause it has some manga questions on it, but if you get 7 out of 10 questions to win an award. JavaScript required!
Rini's daughter Serena's second daughter Galaxia's starseed Sailor Cosmos
2. What is Sailor Mercury's I.Q. number?
300 150 10 1,000
3. Which one of Sailor Jupiter's attacks was in the manga, but not in the anime?
Shining Thunder Jupiter Coconut Cyclone Thunder Dragon Wide Pressure
4. What does the R in Sailormoon R stand for?
Red Romance Ready Recognize
5. What is the final form of Sailor Moon in the manga?
Super Sailor Moon Eternal Sailor Moon Really Really Strong Sailor Moon Sailor Cosmos
6. Are the Starlights male or female in the manga?
Male Both Female Neither
7. What does Rei Hino's name mean?
Flaming Heart Flaming Temper Spirit of Fire Spirit of Warrior
8. What were Serena and Darien doing when Rini apeared?
hugging talking kissing Studying
9. In what city does the whole series take place in?
New York Dallas Paris Tokyo
10. Who did the Asteroid Senshi start out as?
The Amazoness Quartet The Amazon Trio The Circus Senshi Clow Card Senshi