Wanna keep up with BSMP updates and progress? Go to Kitsune's Registry.
Wow, almost 2 years since the last update. A little too long, ne? Heh. It's just a new layout, but an update all the same. Past layouts are updated as well. ^^ Ja ne!
Hello everyone! Becca's Sailor Moon Paradise has moved once again- the final time I hope - to kitsunesforest.com! No more ads! *jumps for joy*
We also have a new layout my friend Clare made forever and a day ago. ^^ Expect more quizzes, more images, and lots of others features in the future!
Becca's Sailor Moon Paradise is finally going to be able to expand and become the site I always wanted it to be! Ja ne!
Konnichiwa, minna! ^^;; Heh,...long time no update. We've got a new section- midis! Check it out in the Gift Shop! Ja ne! ^^
Konnichiwa, minna! We have a new section: Website Backgrounds. Also, added the old layouts. I have another new section that'll be coming soon as well so stay tuned. ^^ Ja ne!
Konnichiwa, minna! Another long wait...^^;; But, I have a new layout and redone a lot of the pages. I'll be adding old layouts and a few new sections next time.
Konnichiwa, minna! Sorry for the long wait. Just a new layout. Ja ne!
Konnichiwa, minna! Well, I re-did a few of the awards you can win because it needed to be done. Check them out. ^__^ ja ne!
The first update of the new year! ^__^ A new banner to link me with and a new award for you to win are the additions today. Ja ne! ^__^
*laughs nervously* Heh heh... been a little while, ne? ^^;;; New layout... I'll be adding some more stuff soon! ^^;; Ja ne!
Konnichiwa! I added "Red Flame" to the past layouts and now there's a quiz for you to take in the "For You" secion. Ja ne!
Well, here's a new layout- completely and utterly new. I'm also working on getting some quizzes. Happy B-day BSMP! Going 4 years and counting! ^__^ Ja ne.
Yea! I got two new awards! Thanks to Chibi-Usa's Playground and Strawberry Check! I also redid the format of the awards page. ^^ ja ne!
Ack! It's been four months since my last update! ^^;; Gomen nasai! We have a new layout, a new no-frames layout, and I'll be working on getting up some quizzies soon! ^^
Still looking for Sister Sites/Affiliates. If you're interested, please e-mail me! Ja ne!
Konnichiwa! Lots of new updates:
1) New Layout- Sunny Sunflowers. Green Winter is documented in the past layouts page
2) ALL pictures on the picture pages open in a new window! ^__^
3) I am looking for sister sites/brother sites/affiliates. If you are intrested, click Here
3) I'm hoping to be adding a new no-frames option to the enter page soon.
That's it for now! Ja ne!
Hey everyone! A new form to submit awards, and a BUNCH of new cliques on the enter page. ^^
Happy New Year! I hope everyone is enjoying Green Winter! Today I added 3 awards from BSMP's newest sister site, *Strawberry Check*! Thanks *SC*! ^^
Merry Christmas everyone! First we have a new layout, Green Winter, dedicated to Sailor Jupiter! ^_^ Also, under "Personal Exhibits", I've added a "Past Layouts" page. Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and happy new year! ^___^
1) A new layout, Minako Madness, dedicated to Clare
2) Two new buttons to link BSMP with
3) cleaned up the links page (added some links and took off some dead ones)
^_^ Happy birthday Clare!
^_^ The Neptune, Venus, Uranus, and Jupiter galleries are up and running! ^_^ Happy three year anniversary to us! yea! ^_^
^_^ I got up three new picture galleries (Mars, the Starlights and the Guardian Cats)! ^_^ I'll have up Jupiter, Venus, and Neptune up soon!
Another small update, but a good one! ^_^ I got a new award for being the 100th visitor to Sailor Planet! YEA! Thanks a lot SP! ^_^
Pretty small update; I've finally added a Group Pictures page in the Sailor Scouts' Home. ^_^
Ya'll spoke and I listened! This month's layout is dedicated to Serena and Darien. Ooh! I love how it came out! I think it's the best yet! ^_^ A new brother site, too! ^___^ I've also redone all my picture pages (Moon, Saturn, and Mercury) and made them into text links. The pages load faster and look better ^_^
Small update, but a wonderful one! Ayu made me a beautiful button to link the Paradise with! Thank you Ayu! I added her BEAUTIFUL site to the links, so be sure to visit it! ^_^
I got TWO three new awards (Thank you Sailor Senshi Unite and In the Name of the Moon)!!! ^___^
Small update: I got another award! YEA! I've also added some bumper stickers in my bio as well as My Exhibits.
Still coming soon: Bunny's Corner (no, not Sailor Moon Bunny, my friend Bunny Otaku!)